@Miriam ya she seems good and sometimes she has a longer gap in between feedings. At her usual 3 hour time she doesn’t want to take milk.
Sounds like you were in an oversupply and your body is adjusting a bit to better make the amount baby actually needs. I understand the desire to have milk available for spouse to bottle feed as I’m doing the same, but the slight attenuation of your supply is completely normal! If baby is gaining weight and content after feeds, you are producing enough :) 6ounces pumping at a time is a lot
Milk supply is all about supply and demand. Are you removing milk from your body every 2-3 hours? Regulation of milk supply usually happens between weeks 12 - 16 and it is very common for that to cause a decrease in supply, so that may be what is happening.
You’re doing great! One of our lactation consultants said that it’s common to see a dip in milk supply around 3-4 months, so this could be that. Keep doing what you’re doing!
Is your baby happy and content? Your supply hasn't likely dropped. Have you changed your pump parts recently? That can affect your output. Especially if you haven't replaced any since you started pumping.