@Rachael are you noticing any discharge? I am not though
A little? But nothing really out of the ordinary
Good luck ladies! I’m 10dpo tomorrow post ovulation induction (non-IUI though) xx
@Rachael yeah same here.. they say that discharge might increase if pregnant. So not sure what is happening
I’m testing 100% negative (10dpo) today. I can’t say about symptoms as I’m so full of drugs 🤣
@yog I did ovulation induction too so I know what you mean xD. I'm currently taking progesterone and pretty much any symptom I have could be attributed to that...it's so frustrating!
@Rachael your period is delayed on it too so you can’t wait for AF either. I’ve always started testing at 12dpo and my BFP on that day are very very faint but I still feel like I’m out this cycle by instinct.
@Yog I didn't know that actually. That's good to know. I've got a blood test booked for 14 dpiui so that's when my clinic will say it worked or didn't. My last pregnancy I had a faint positive at 10dpiui so I'm a little bummed not to see anything yet. But there's still hope for us both! 🤞
What day post trigger did you have your IUI?
I was triggered on the Tuesday so count dpo from the Thursday. So I’ll be 12po on Tuesday.
I had my trigger shot on the 19th and IUI the following day (approximately 24 hours later). I was trying to track my ovulation with test strips but I had a peak for several days so I'm sure the trigger shot was affecting it
Did any of you tested positive yet?
@Rachael you usually count from 36hrs after the trigger. You don’t usually test for a surge as the trigger handles everything and your body doesn’t need to. I’m 11dpo. 100% negative. It needs to change tomorrow for me based on what I’ve known previously for my body.
Ohh ok, gotcha. Thanks :). So I think I'm more like 10dpo today, then. I just got a very very faint line this morning! Hoping it shows a little clearer tomorrow! And good luck @Yog, I hope you see something come through tomorrow ❤️
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@Rachael oh that’s fantastic for you! Let us know how tomorrow goes! 😍😍😍
@Rachael congratulations!! Are you still getting cramps? Mine settled now.. have mild cramps at lower back and no discharge. How are your symptoms now?
I have not tested positive yet though
The line is a little darker today!!! Still really faint though, but it's definitely easier to see 😁. Holding out for my blood test on Thursday, but I think I'm pregnant! My cramps have settled down and no discharge either. I don't really have any symptoms so far, but I didn't really have anything until 5 weeks in my last pregnancy. Any luck for either of you today?
@Rachael I have not tested positive yet but I am waiting on for my blood work on Friday
@Rachael this is such great news! I’m made up for you! 12dpo and still negative. I’m thinking of stopping progesterone tonight and then AF can come.
When was your trigger OP?
Good luck with your blood work on Friday, op!
@Yog my clinic says to stay on the progesterone for 14 days - does your clinic usually give it to you for less time?
@Rachael my clinic has also advised to be on progesterone for 14 days
Ok fair enough, but you know your body best @Yog. Good luck next month ❤️
My test was much fainter today so I don't think this cycle worked after all :(
@Rachael could it be more diluted? Did you test at the same time of day etc? They say the official test day is 14 days post ovulation but if have a line at 13dpo and I’m still negative. I just want my period now so I can try again!
@Rachael yeah don’t lose hope. See your blood work tomorrow
Let us know how it goes xx
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@Rachael - did you get your results by any chance?
AF came for me. Looking forward hearing your news ladies xx
It was negative, sadly :(
@Yog sorry to hear that. Maybe next month will be it for us ❤️
Op, I hope you have better news with your blood test tomorrow!
@Rachael sorry to hear that.. tbh I am not too hopeful either as I am getting only a thick light discharge which I believe is a pre period discharge. But still keeping fingers crossed 🤞🏼
OP, we are hoping one of us made it. How did it go? @Rachael here’s to a fresh new cycle my friend. I start stims in two days.
Mine is negative as well unfortunately 🥺
Ah heck. What are you girls planning for the upcoming cycle? 🤍🤍
@Yog good luck with the stims and everything next month!! ❤️ My partner and I have decided to take a break this month and will try again in April
Aw shucks, sorry to hear that, OP :(
Me too .. thinking of taking a break for a month or two and focus on own mental and physical health… my first IUI took a toll on me
This process is so tough, wishing you all the best and when you start your next cycle I hope you are successful ❤️
Yeah have been trying from past 18 months.. no success
A mindset break can be so positive. Do pop back in if you need anything, and certainly when you get your bfps!!
10 days past IUI too! And I've been having cramps as well on and off. Fingers crossed for us both! 🤞