Sorry you’re still waiting 😞 I had to wait 1.5 days to get a room on labour ward to have my waters broken and it felt weird that there was so much sitting around. My regret is that I didn’t rest or sleep enough when I had the chance so definitely do that as mentioned above. If you go on the hormone drip, it gets quite intense so rest won’t really be possible and then baby arrives etc. you’ve got this though ✨
My second Labour was like this. Was induced on a Wednesday night too!! Didn’t give birth or anything happen until Saturday 10am and gave birth Sunday 2am xx
Aww I feel you, I had to wait from Thursday evening until Monday morning for a suite!
It’s really upsetting but unfortunately sometimes it’s like this. People do not understand that massive part of obstetrics is unpredictable. As well as having planned procedures there’s a great deal of unplanned emergencies. Believe me, the team looking after you want to get on with it, because they know that tomorrow more women will arrive for induction… But as long as you are “only waiting” you are safe. Once your waters are broken you’ll have your own midwife that no one will take away. But at the moment she is dealing with a different patient who can not wait. Put earplugs in, mask on and try to relax, it will happen. Good luck
I wasn’t induced but the nurse told me not to let them break my water as it’s a pain barrier. Didn’t break until 10cm with both kids.
This sounds like my first induction during Covid. Waiting days at home for an opening at the hospital and then still waiting on the ward. The only ‘better’ I can give you is that you will eventually go home with your baby. Stick earplugs in and an eye mask on and try to get all the sleep you can while you wait so you’re ready to go when a space appears.