I did all but skipped rota virus, still on the fence, I go back next week so I may decide to do it
I got all the recommended vaccines as a baby, both my son and my daughter have gotten their vaccines on time thus far. I’d rather my kids have some discomfort and be fussy for a little bit than catch these diseases.
I also wanted more information on this- I purchased a Vaccine course (it’s not pro or anti-vaxx) from MedSchoolforMoms.com They not only inform you on what each vaccine contains and why, but once you set up if your child is low or high risk for infection and for adverse reactions, they have model schedules that you can use to delay vaccines.
We did not get our baby vaccines we feel he is to young to be getting injected with a bunch of things
I just got all the ones recommended by the doctor and she handled them great! I gave her Tylenol right when we got home and she said as a little fussy but it went away in a day or two
Honestly I would get them all. A lot of these diseases are making a come back because to many people don’t vaccinate. My son got all 6 and he is fine. I would rather him alive then possibly dead from a preventable disease
I would do your own research as every families beliefs are different. You can read up on all of the vaccine inserts, looking at the clinical trials they did for each and what the adverse effects are. https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/vaccines/vaccines-licensed-use-united-states Personally, we will not be vaccinating as we did the research and came to the conclusion that the vaccines have hardly been clinically proven not to cause adverse effects and more information has been released about this. I feel as though they are so young and they should build their immunity before being poked and prodded with toxic substances that have been PROVEN to pass the blood brain barrier, causing inflammation and other adverse reactions ect. Everyone has different views on it so just do your own research to come to your own conclusions. 🫶🏼
My first son developed horrid eczema the day after his 2-3 month shots (we were doing a delayed schedule). Our family on both sides has a history of vaccine injuries and after that experience we decided against vaccinations for our children moving forward. Please do not let my decision sway you, and do research on what is best for you and your family. I ended up reading Dr Paul Thomas vaccine friendly plan and that helped me to feel more confident with my decision. You can always push them out a month if you’d like to look into them so you don’t feel rushed into a decision ❤️
At 2 months we got 4 total, 10/10 highly recommend considering we had our first measles caused death in over 10 years in the last couple of days.😅😅
Despite what some people say vaccines are HIGHLY studied, highly regulated, and extremely effective (especially when the community as a whole participates). Vaccinations are not controversial, they are one of the most effective public health initiatives to date. Vaccinations save lives. On a personal note, my baby got all of her vaccines thus far and will continue to be fully vaccinated. True vaccine reactions are extremely rare, however vaccinations are given during times of rapid development and often coincidentally align near times when vaccines are given.
We have our kids get all of the vaccines, on the schedule recommended by the pediatrician. Our two year old handled them well when she was younger, and our 3 month old handled them well too. They never got fevers or anything. Our first was a little fussy for the day after, but our second wasn’t bothered at all. The side effects of vaccines are minimal and the protection they offer your kids (and other kids) is worth every little cry at the appointments. Honestly the vaccines are harder on us mamas than they are on our little ones. I haaatee the crying, but I breastfeed while they administer the shots and my baby cries for a second and then latches again and calms down.
Regarding all the comments on reading the pamphlets, they have to list any “potential” side effect for liability reasons - so they can’t get sued, but they are very, very rare. If you aren’t reading into the ingredients for every single thing you are putting in or on your body (think toothpaste, shampoo, cream, makeup, laundry detergent) then you really shouldn’t be worried about the vaccine pamphlets. Some of the ingredients in products you eat and use every day (as opposed to a 1x vaccine) pose a much greater threat to you and your children. I find it ironic that people won’t vaccinate their kids but will eat McDonald’s or use tide detergent or eat foods with red dye 40. Regarding eczema, my daughter had the worst eczema flare after she got Covid, she never had a flare after any vaccine. Regardless, even if vaccines caused eczema or autism or whatever antivaxxers are claiming (which have all been debunked), a kid with eczema or an autistic kid, is better than a dead kid.
Our pediatrician suggests getting only one shot at a time. Keep in mind that several of the shots include several vaccines so your baby is getting 6 shots but more than 6 vaccines. Getting 6 shots at one time is not a good idea and can overload your baby’s liver with heavy metals like aluminum. If you are going to give your baby all six shots that is your choice but doing them all in one go is not advised. Just make sure you are doing research on every vaccine so that you are making an informed decision for you and your baby
If you’re worried, either try doing some research on your own or discuss your concerns with the pediatrician during the well check before the nurse comes in to give the shots. That’s what I did with my son just to make myself a little more comfortable. Which definitely helped With baby number two so that I was comfortable with most of everything. With my son they split the shots between one month and two so I was a little concerned with them bunching everything together at the two month but discussed with the pediatrician ahead of time what to expect if any side effects from the shots. Also, I posted here about that as well and got some good feedback from it.
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I got none. We are doing a delayed schedule and starting some at 6mo.
@Autumn you don’t get MMR until 1 year and it’s complete at 4 years so they’re not protected at this age anyway
@Amanda never said they were, but not getting them at all is negligent in my opinion🤷🏼♀️
@Amanda I did a slight delayed schedule for my son (first born) as I was worried and didn’t want to overload him with vaccines, it worked for him. My second I debated it but seeing as she did great in the hospital with no side effects.
Ask for the vaccine inserts and read it thoroughly! It’ll tell you all possible side effects and may often list a bunch of possible side effects and are not limited to. Talk to your pediatrician and your partner. You don’t have to get any or all vaccines at once just because it’s labeled as “2 month vaccines.” You can talk about it at home and make a delayed vaccine schedule. The inserts will also tell you ingredients, dosage information, manufacturing information, how they should be stored, etc. Personally, as someone who had a preemie at 26 weeks I wasn’t going to overboard my daughter with vaccines. Certainly not all at once. She’s now 39 weeks and I still believe she’s too young. The only “vaccine” we got was the RSV Beyfortus Antibody since it’s fatal in babies and it’s also the only one the doctors/nurses in the nicu stressed about. Good luck 🥰
@Elena this! We have fully vaccinated as well. Also add, diseases are coming back because we need 95% of our communities to be vaccinated for herd immunity to work. With the measles outbreak in TX it only took vaccination rates to drop to 94% to cause an outbreak. So the majority of folks are vaccinating, but the few that don’t can really make a negative impact.
@Nicole my county in NY is at 64% and NYS overall is under 82% it’s so horrible. I wish people better understood how their individual decisions impact all of our kids 😔
Our son had HepB at his 1 month, so at his two month he got HIB, Pnuemoccocal, Polio, and Dtap. I got DTAP vaccine while I was pregnant, so I felt comfortable with that one. The other 3 I was stressed for, but my mom reminded me that meningitis is extremely dangerous for children and she’s seen too many children almost die from it so she highly recommended HIB and pneumococcal. We were okay with Polio because we wanted to prevent that disease as well. We passed on Rotavirus, as we did our research and we determined it was safer to let him gain natural immunity to it, rather than the vaccine because the vaccine has some adverse reactions, and my sister was one of those babies that had a reaction so I didn’t want to risk anything with him. My husband reminded me that “it’s better for the baby to be uncomfortable and fussy for a few days, than be extremely sick and in the hospital with who knows how long”. I hope that helps, but trust your mom gut. ❤️