C -section possibly elective
Hi girls, FTM is to be here.
I'm due to get assessed for a planned c-section here due to my medical history, which would make a vaginal birth much more difficult and risky.
I'm concerned, though, what if the Dr refused me a section. Dr's are 50/50 on opinions atm, they said chances are it would be a csecton or an instrumental birth (Which I do not want).
If they refuse, I would like to go down the route of elective c-section as ultimately I feel this is the daftest route for my baby and me.
Has anyone had any experience with an elective and could share some advise.
I'd spoken with two of my friends who had their babies in The Royal - same hospital. I'll be having mine, and they didn't even get birth plans.
They may try and steer you one way but ultimately the decision should be yours, get as much information from them as you can to be able to make an informed decision and if you feel that you are not being heard or are uncomfortable with what they are pushing do not be afraid ask for another doctor. In terms of how the elective was in the royal - drop me a message and happy to answer qs