Baby boy is here
On Wednesday, 26 Feb at 23:34 my gorgeous little baby boy made his appearance through an emergency C-section. Everything went well and we're both at home now.
More details below in case anyone is going through similar things.
Scheduled induction at 41+2 on Wednesday. Pessary inserted at 12:30 and put on continuous monitor for the baby for 30 mins. All good and then I was allowed to walk around the hospital. Cramping began around 2pm and my waters broke around 5.30pm with 2cm dilated. Intense and super strong contractions began after that and the monitor was showing that the baby was in distress. They gave me an injection to slow down the contractions for an hour. Second examination at 9pm showed I was still at 2cm but the baby's heart beat was going down with every contraction and the doctor said he won't be able to handle labour much more and I was not progressing. Preparations for the C-section started around 10pm and baby was born at 23:34. Discharged from the hospital on Friday afternoon. Happy to answer any questions about the experience.
So glad everything went well in the end 🫶 congratulations. I was induced at 41+3. Had two balloons a Friday morning, they fell out early Saturday morning, waters were broken for me, I was 5cm dilated, put on Syntocinon which ended up being awful for me. After more than nine hours of the really painful bit I got an emergency c-section on Saturday night. I had stayed at 5cm although my cervix apparently had thinned. Baby’s stats were fine as far as I know but I had been in constant extreme pain with no pain relief working enough, needed to be numb and for baby to just arrive!