@M.J aww hopefully they do give you a break & are helpful.
Nah my parents are great. Im sorry your fam is useless. Did they not already raise kids??
My parents are very helpful. When my first was born, they let me go take a nap and watched him and I accidentally slept for like 5 or 6 hours and they never once woke me 😂 (he was typically breastfed but took a bottle when needed). My in-laws on the other hand...they try SO hard to help but end up just making more work for me 😅🙃
@Grace lmao yeah some ppl seem like they’re trying to help but it just ends up being more work
@Ella my sister has no experience and then idk what went on w my grandmother today. It’s all new I guess we haven’t had a baby in our family for a while so hopefully eventually ppl will know how to help.
Ah, so you can't blame your sister. And probably not your grandma either, prob been like 50 years since she raised a baby
Have you asked for help? Some mums prefer not to pass the baby round/have others do bottles etc, maybe your family doesn't want to overstep by trying to take the baby off you? If you're expecting help ask for it, I'm sure various family members would love to give a bottle/hold baby etc
@Rachel my family were exactly like this! My mum and grandparents always help if I asked for it but didn’t always offer as they didn’t want to be overstepping and didn’t want me to feel like they were saying I couldn’t do it and needed help. As soon as I ask them do feed him or change him or do anything they’re more than happy to do it, they just typically wait for me to ask but have recently started offering more as they know I don’t mind them doing things xx
I never wanted them to help with the baby, like feeding, but do all the other things; washing, cooking,… I communicated clear expectations and it worked for me mostly
You largely don't need a break unless you're eating or going to the bathroom lol newborns need their mamas first but if you ask and they say no then ya that's dumb
My parents are coming to meet my newborn for the first time in a few days. I already know it’s going to be like this. I really hope they give us a bit of a break. They live internationally and are staying for two weeks 😅