13 month old won’t sleep…

Hey laddies I need advice asap, my daughter sleeps in her crib and has been for awhile now and she always sleeps through the night, well this past week she will go to bed like normal I give her a bottle I lay her in the crib and she puts herself to sleep, and she keeps waking up like 2/3 hours later crying so I rock her back to sleep which she goes back to sleep within seconds then I try to put her back in the crib and she cries like the only way she will stay asleep is if I put her in bed w me which I use to do when she was little, but idk why this is happening I try giving a bath, a bottle, lots of play time till she’s super tired before hand, like the problem is I just can’t get her to sleep in her crib but when she’s next to me she’s out right away. Is this happening to anyone else? Like do I just wait it out, she just started daycare two weeks ago could it have something to do w that. I literally don’t know😭😂
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Could she be teething?

So tired this morning. The exact same thing is happening with my 13 month old son right now, the past two nights. He’s always been a fantastic sleep too, goes down easy and sleeps a solid 12hrs consistently. I try to remind myself it won’t last and he’ll get back to his normal self, like he has before.

@Kristen she just got her first two teeth these last few weeks but this just started happening like 4 days ago so maybe idk

@Katie I’m praying for both of us !

Yes wait it out if you can! My daughter has all 8 teeth in the front and is cutting her 4 molars all at once. Shes been waking up like 4am and sometimes goes back to sleep but not always. I give another bottle. It could also be your baby struggling with linking their sleep cycles. Sleep regression also happens when your baby is developing a new skill! Good luck momma!

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