So tired this morning. The exact same thing is happening with my 13 month old son right now, the past two nights. He’s always been a fantastic sleep too, goes down easy and sleeps a solid 12hrs consistently. I try to remind myself it won’t last and he’ll get back to his normal self, like he has before.
@Kristen she just got her first two teeth these last few weeks but this just started happening like 4 days ago so maybe idk
@Katie I’m praying for both of us !
Yes wait it out if you can! My daughter has all 8 teeth in the front and is cutting her 4 molars all at once. Shes been waking up like 4am and sometimes goes back to sleep but not always. I give another bottle. It could also be your baby struggling with linking their sleep cycles. Sleep regression also happens when your baby is developing a new skill! Good luck momma!
Could she be teething?