Tips to induce labor naturally

39 weeks pregnant here… and want to induce labor naturally. Give me some good tips!
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Accupuncture worked with my first I was going to get inducted in three days so I went two days in a row to Accupuncture and it started my contractions. My second one, night before my due date I did midwives Brew, water broke within 6 hours I’m 39 weeks right now, getting to that point again also 😅

@KathleenWhat is midwife brew? Any specific type of acupuncture or just all over? I’m getting induced Monday and would rather go natural

Look up recipe on TikTok! I forgot exactly what it has in it but it has castor oil. The Accupuncture I just went in and told them I want to induce my labor so they put the needles in the points that help labor start.

Rough sex, pineapple core, raspberry leaf tea, mile circuit, bouncing on yoga ball

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