I talked all the way through my contractions, right up until my boys arrived. If you feel like they're getting really intense, I'd say to go in and get checked. Good luck 🥰
Oh she's stupid I was 4 cm dilated and had lost my mucus plug whenever my water broke and I could barely feel anything
I wasn't in unbearable pain until my water broke then I couldn't even lay down comfortably I only wanted to sit on the toilet. I was only 3 cm when I went to the hospital (I needed pain meds). It was 17 hours before by son would come
@Mar i do this, when i get in REALLLYY bad pain my comfort place is the toilet 🤣
I talked throughout really until right at the end but had a very real moment at home where I said to my other half “I’m in the wrong place, I want to go” and we were able to be admitted when we got there. Wishing you a safe and happy next step! X
Thank you all for sharing. I think I’m at the point where I just want to head in, just hoping I don’t get sent home, but better be safe than sorry!
I hate it when they say “you shouldn’t be able to talk through them” like I talked through them even when I was in pushing stages 🙄 probably the worst and most dangerous advice a MIDWIFE should give out. TRUST YOUR BODY. Do you think you should go in? Yes? Then go! I’d be more focused on time between contractions than the pain. I wasn’t in pain until I was pushing. And I went in only based on time between contractions! GOODLUCK and I’m so excited for you!!!! 😍🫶🏽✨
If you go in too early they will send you home. I got sent home twice bc I wasn’t even dilated yet but I had contractions.
I think as vague as it sounds, you just have to listen to your body. My waters broke at 10pm & I called the hospital twice over the next 2 hours & each time I was told I didn’t ‘sound’ ready yet & to stay at home. I went in anyway, was 6cm dilated & gave birth 3 hours later 🙃
I phoned up and they said when my contractions are 5 mins apart, go in. When that happened, I went in but was only 2cm. They gave me the choice to stay there or go home so I decided to stay. Was in labour for 41 hours before I had her! X
I could talk through mine fine. I went in after 5 hours of 3min apart 40sec lasting. But my pelvis ended up being tilted which slowed down progress. Didn’t give birth till 18 hours after getting to hospital.
I’d go to triage and be checked x
I waited until my contations were 5 mins apart to go in
Mumma, if you think you need to go in, call birth suite and notify them that you'd like to be assessed and go in. They don't know how we feel, only we do.
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Trusted by 5M+ women
I could talk through my contractions until I started pushing so go in when your contractions are 4 mins apart and lasting for a minute
I ended up going in when my contractions were 5mins apart, I was only 2cm dialated so went back home. Came back in at 7 this morning because they got more intense and closer together but was still only 3cm, thankfully they let me stay though. I’m now at 8cm and getting ready to give birth here soon! Finally 🙌🏼
Good luck!!! 💕💕💕
@Mo omgg good luck!!
@Mo omfg CONGRATS 😍😍😍😍
Congrats 💕
@Mo she's gorgeous
it’s honestly up to you when you go in, if you aren’t “dilated enough” for them then they will send you home, but equally you could go in and be more dilated than they expect, so what feels right for you and what your body is telling you x