C section jokes

Does anyone else crack Csections jokes I’ve had 2 babies via emergency Csections and idk why people find it so offensive when they are talking about how much they enjoyed labour I always joke 2 babies no labour something along those lines and everyone seems so offended
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All. The. Time. I love a good C-section joke

My dad always says I born through the sunroof 😂

I hear pirate mommas have c sections! Because they have a scarrrrrr.

I cracked a joke during my c-section, all the nurses were saying I did a good job and I was like "I've done nothing" I know I haven't done "nothing", I don't even know why I said it 🤣🙈

People are just too soft these days and love to get offended over anything. If you’re cracking a joke about your own life/ experiences then others should just get over it x

It’s because there is still such a stigma around having a c section, when fundamentally there shouldn’t be. I’ve found some women get annoyed that they had a ‘natural birth’ and didn’t enjoy it and a c section seems like an easy way out.

Yeh, I don’t care at all about having sections. My kids were evicted! My best friend sent me a congrats on the baby card that said “your fanny must be so relieved” 😂

Honestly I joke about childhood trauma and it will leave the room silent like what did she say I thought it was maybe a me thing but I’m glad I’m not the only one xx

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