Failed induction leading to c-section

Going in for an induction in a few days, I’ll be 38 weeks exactly. This is due to baby’s measurements, 95th percentile. If the IOL fails I’ll need a c-section. Does anyone know, if the induction were to be unsuccessful, would they keep me in and do a section then or give me a later date to come back? The thought of going through all that to not leave the hospital with a baby and have to come back seems horrible. FTM so not sure how this works!
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When I went in for my induction with our first child I was told I was coming home with baby one way or another. Generally inductions fail if you're not making progress as opposed to nothing happening at all if that makes sense? X

I had a failed induction turned emergency c due to babies heartbeat dropping with contractions. Surprisingly in hindsight it wasn’t an overall bad experience. Xx

Once you’re in the hospital and induction is started, you will be leaving with a baby as they’ve begun the labour process. Some trusts let women go home during it (eg once the balloon is inserted) but this isn’t all, as mine didn’t. I went in on a Thursday night and had an emergency section on the Sunday, and was in hospital either waiting or labouring the whole time

I went for an induction exactly at 38 weeks. Spent 2 days and it failed. I was given the option of cssction straight away or try more induction but different methods. I had my c section and it was amazing!

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