Just some words of wisdom
Apparently contractions can feel like body aches from the flu. My daughter has a chest cold that I also caught. Well yesterday morning starting around 4am, I started having what I thought was bad body aches from being sick so I was alternating Tylenol and cold medicine every 4 hours to manage the pain (it was quite unbearable when the meds wore off). Well I finally got talked into going in and getting checked out and turns out my “body aches” were contractions and I was having them very regularly 😅 I’m barely dilating so I got sent home but still now we know body aches could be contractions 😅
Something similar happened to me yesterday with the little cytotec they give to soften the cervix if you go in for induction. Felt like regular period cramps like I'd been having for weeks already and next minute they were very painful period cramps but I wasn't convinced they were contractions, next few minutes after that I was telling them my water broke and I'm pushing 🤣😅 he was out within 10 minutes and 3 pushes 😅 complete opposite of my first baby