@Lucy my baby is also back to back second baby what do back contractions feel like? I’ve been having horrible lightening pains in my back to bum all day
@ML8 They are awful, I had an unmedicated birth but I don’t know any difference as she was my first. They are just very intense lower back pains. Labour isn’t pain free 😂so I can’t really say it was easy
Baby being back to back shouldn't be something that would consider you high risk, most babies turn in labour unless there is something else they are concerned about x
The spinning babies website is so useful and has info on back to back babies. I’d defo have a read and try some of the things they suggest https://www.spinningbabies.com/pregnancy-birth/baby-position/posterior/ x
My first was back to back but I struggled to get him out. It’s hard to tell how you’ll be because everyone’s different so it’s up to you and what you feel most comfortable with. I ended up with a long labour and forceps assisted delivery. It was fine but obviously they can’t do that in midwife led units x
I had back contractions last time but baby was facing the right way. I'm going to speak to the consultant as I've had two episodes of reduced movement.
@Danielle the reduced movements
@Angie Then they probably want to induce you!! At my hospital if you go triage 1/2 times from like 39 weeks + they’ll want to induce you, but they can’t force you!
@Lucy the midwife told me today that I can say no and stay in the MLW unit. Baby has been moving about fine once I get her monitored.
@Angie If you don’t see the need to then definitely don’t. If baby is moving fine! I got induced last time due to reduced movements and it was not fun at all😅😅
I’m 39 weeks and was back to back literally the day before yesterday, went in for an appointment yesterday and low and behold he’s turned so it is possible. Try not to worry. The midwife just advised me to stay active so we went for a long walk and I also have a big birthing ball at home which I spend a lot of time sat on. I am going in for induction due to multiple periods of reduced movement today after a long discussion with a registrar about what’s best. Make sure they have discussed all your options so you can make an informed decision but bare in mind they can’t make you do anything you really don’t want to ♥️ good luck!
@Emily good luck and thank you for your advice 🥰
@Lucy thank you for your help 🥰
I don’t think there is anything you can do when they’re back to back. My daughter was back to back until she was coming out. She then flipped. Back contractions are a killer but I don’t know any difference! Why are you going to a different hospital to talk about being consultant led? Do they think something is wrong with baby? I don’t think back to back babies are that much higher risk…!