@Madeleine baby born few a few weeks early so just learning how to breathe alone x
Ours was born 35+6 and he spent about 2.5 days then a further 5 days in transitional care with us
@Hannah whats transitional care?
Where baby is with you on a normal wards but additional obs and just making sure everything is okay before you are discharged. For example our baby still had his feeding tube in transitional care
Ours was born 32+2 and was in for 5 weeks. Then came home with a feeding tube for a couple of weeks before they were fully breastfeeding
@Hannah ohhh okay, never heard of that before, thank you for explaining
My twinnies were born at 33+5 and were in NICU for 13 days. Keep strong - it's really awful going home without them each day but they are in the best place x
Our little one was born 35+2 and we were in hospital for 10 days on transitional care from NNU spent 5 days on a normal ward before being offered a parent room. Was tube fed for about 6/7 days before transitioning to breastfeeding and being discharged after a decent weight gain xx
It usually depends on what is wrong with the baby, mine was just there while her feeding got stronger as I wanted to breast feed her but still went home being combo fed on boob and bottle and took a month. Hopefully your baby will be home soon x