Induction or c section?

Opinions on induction vs c section - what is everyone’s thoughts? Have you had a c section or induction before? If so, what was it like?
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My preference is if it comes to it, I would rather have a c section over and induction. This is because of the percentage of inductions that go on for days and then end in a c section anyway, which would then mean another day or two in hospital. I figure if there’s a good chance I’m going to need a section anyway, I’d rather just skip to that part 😂

I had an induction via hormone drip with my first and ended up with epidural. Personally I had a really good experience and a relatively quick recovery time without any complications. Given the choice I would choose that again as I’d rather avoid major surgery unless me or baby were at risk. Just my preference though.

@Laura thanks for sharing your experience. Do you remember how many days you were in hospital for?

@Harri this is how I feel. I think the induction will only stress me and baby out, but I really want a natural birth :(

@Laura this is good, everyone I’ve spoken to have given me horror story’s about induction that’s why I’m nervous if it got to that point x

I was induced and had a natural labour with my son

I had a c-section as I didn’t want an induction and it was a really positive experience. Recovery has also been not as bad as I thought.

I had a really good induction with my first. I was induce using the gel and he was born less than 13 hours later naturally, recovery was really good also. I have just had an emergency c section with my second, recovery has been a lot harder this time.

I was induced and it was awful, didn’t dilate anything but had all the contractions, decided on c section in the end

I was induced and was in labour for around 21 hours before going for an emergency section due to sepsis. This time round I’ve elected for a section - I truly would’ve loved a VBAC however would be at risk of needing induction again and do not want to go through that process again as by the time I’d gotten to the point of having my section, I was truly exhausted and very ill afterwards. I felt it ruined my birth experience honestly.

Thank you all for sharing! If I don’t go naturally I think I would do the c section just to avoid any unnecessary stress for me and the baby, I would hate to be in pain for days and then it end in a section anyway x

I had an induction with our first and it was a really positive experience. I had no signs of labour before hand, he was definitely comfy in there so was surprised at how well it went. A single pessary worked for me and then when they broke my waters I progressed on my own. The majority of people I know who have had a c section have found recovery really difficult. I was glad I was able to be quite independent after birth x

I would opt for a C-section rather than induction which is what I’m doing this time round. I have a C-section date ready but if labour happens prior then I’ll go with the flow. I don’t want to be induced. Had this last time and the pain was a lot worse and labour didn’t progress (not sure if that’s a common thing with being induced, I had the drip and then an epidural). Definitely spontaneous labour or C-section to avoid being induced x

@Harri I went in on a Sunday around 6am and had him around 11pm. From memory I didn’t leave hospital till the Wednesday afternoon but that was due to having issues getting to grips with breastfeeding. I’m fairly confident if I had the same next time I’d only be another 48 hours in total.

I think it depends on what is offered and how far along you are? I was a few days over and had already begun to have contractions for several hours so I wasn’t starting from nothing.

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I have experienced both and boy let me tell you neither are nice experiences. My section was an emergency C-section though, I've heard elective is a much nicer experience

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