Sooooo anyone still breastfeeding?

Because we still are 😭 only for nap and bedtime but ughhhh it’s been fail after fail trying to stop. Also it’s very annoying to constantly hear from my family “you’re still breadtfeeding?? You need to stop. You promised us you would soon” ??? Like I didn’t promise shit and why do I have to promise something about MY child??????
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I would’ve breastfed until now if i hadn’t have gotten pregnant. I’m 7 months pregnant now and around 5 months pregnant it just hurt wayyyy too much. Don’t listen to what anyone else has to say about it, you know what’s best for you and your child.

Yess omg it’s getting draining! But it’s even more annoying when my family tells her “you’re too old for that, no more “ like noooo we are not shaming her she will stop when she is ready.. I know I am her comfort and stuff but it’s getting to be mentally exhausting, but it’s also less and less. I started saying “mommies boobies hurt right now, no more for now” when she’s been on for a while and not going to sleep.. sometimes it works out and sometimes she just cries for a while but I comfort and she is okay eventually.. but it’s tough

I’m still breastfeeding! Don’t listen to anyone else. Do what works best for you! Everyone has opinions but all that matters is what works for you! There is nothing wrong with still breastfeeding!! Our little girl sleeps with us and I’m constantly hearing how she should be in her own bed..blah blah blah
she can sleep with us as long as she wants!

GIRL!!! You Do what YOU Want!! I am for sure still breastfeeding. Same as you only around nap and bedtime but the CDC recommends doing it until 2years old so only now am I thinking about going down. But also, they each are on their own schedule and you are the Mama!! You set to do what You think is right for You and your Baby! Clearly I feel strongly about this but know that you are not alone. I think just about all my friends have stopped too, but I’m lucky no one is really judging (or at least not to me). Listen to your body and your baby.

We are. For her nap, for bedtime, and at least 2 other times in the day.

I am 31 weeks pregnant, and we are breastfeeding too, I also tandem fed with my previous, and I think we will do it again with #3. When people ask me until when, I tell them either when he goes off to college or until he gets married, whatever happens first, this is my polite way to give people a fence to our family decisions. Personally, I don't think there is an age for stopping but more about baby and mom readiness. Until both of you still feel comfortable doing so. Plus, breastfeeding benefits do not stop with aging 😊

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