Is anyone ever ready 😂I've a 13month old would like another one but not quite yet but would like them close in age if possible x
My eldest is 10 years old, my youngest is 2 months old and I want 1 more, I'm 35 and I suffer with uterus didelphys, which means I have 2 working systems but it makes it more difficult to conceive and a higher chance of miscarriage so im not preventing it from happening if it does.
I have a 2 year age gap, I now have an almost 3 year old and 10 month old twins, the age gap is great. Don't get me wrong, when it's hard it's very hard, but it's so nice when they all play together xx
My sisters and I all have 2yr age gaps and we are besties 🤣 I really doubt you’d wish you waited. In my mind, I think it is better to have them close together, so you don’t become accustomed to a certain routine that gets destroyed with a newborn haha I have a 14 month old and I want babies 2yrs apart ☺️
I will have a 2 year 3 week old and a newborn at the end of September if it comes on time and I’m nervous but excited. I was ready for my first and he took 3 years and then I was so nervous when I found out but I didn’t want to risk having to wait as long again not knowing if I’d ever be able to conceive again so when it happened again I was shocked but excited… I then miscarried and was devastated… I then got caught again in my next cycle and so far so good. I think there’s never a right time but it will all fall in to place an you’d never regret it x
I have a 1.5 year old and 3.5 year old. They are 22 months apart. We planned it this way. I got pregnant right away both times we tried. It’s been extremely challenging going from 1 to 2 children. I’m a full time stay at home mom. They go to MDO at our church 2 days a week for 5 hours so I can get a break. However, now my 3.5 year old is mostly potty trained which makes things easier. We have hardly any support or help from family and we literally live with my mom. She never wants to spend any time with the girls (I assume because they are a lot to handle). It breaks my heart. But if you have family who are willing to help y’all out and give you breaks, I say totally go for it. My girls are starting to play more together and they are just the sweetest greatest blessings of my life.
I have a 2 year old and a 3 month. I kind of wish I would have waited. Because I feel like my daughter misses my undivided attention. He's too young to play with so she just misses me really. And he doesn't get the same level of attention either and we're on her schedule. I wish I waited one more year.
@Tanisha if it makes you feel any better, my sister did wait another year before having her second, but it was the same for her son. He was not used to sharing his mom and kept trying to get on top of her while she was holding the baby. So I’m not sure it really makes a difference when they’re still toddler age when another baby is born. When the baby started interacting with him, then he LOVED her and called her his baby. Now she is 2 and he is almost 5 and they play together all the time, but he gets annoyed with her, because she is a bit violent. 🤣
Especially if it took you a long time, I'd suggest trying sooner rather than later for a 2nd. I'm only 13 months older than my sister and my boys are 20 months apart. The early part can be tough (I found when my youngest was at the 6-9 month range the hardest, largely because the kids were split 2/1 naps), but it's so wonderful to have kids close in age and developmental stages who can play together all day. My boys are absolutely the best of friends now that they're 2 and 4 and it's a blessing to watch them play together whenever they want! If anything, I'd rather they were closer in age rather than farther apart.
I do only have one child, a 2-year old boy, and planning for my second now but my advice is to not wait, especially if you're feeling ready! Being close to family as well is so nice.