Midwife visit

I’ve completely forgot when my midwife is coming round for a home visit! If I rang community midwives would they be able to tell me?
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I’ve never heard of this wth? Is that an actual thing they come to your house?

@Eide yes, but not all boroughs have it available. In some places there’s not enough resources and only practiced if there’s a special need for it.

Yes lovely! Mine used to text me before hand x

@Eide usually they do few visits after baby was born and you were discharged from the hospital

@Nastia ah oki, I thought it would be odd when you’re pregnant

The day after coming out of hospital then day 5 to do a weight and well-being check. My midwife team kept doing weekly home visits until he was back to birth weight which took 4 weeks. They also did some breast feeding support. Ring the support numbers when you need to at my hospital they’ve been super helpful and don’t mind.

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