Anterior placenta

Do my first baby the placenta was at the back (postier) but this time baby’s placenta is anterior and I could honestly cry. We’ve had 2 losses and then conceived our rainbow baby girl who’s now almost 2 but we had so many episodes of reduced movements with her, my only reassurance on bad days was feeling her move and this time round I feel more anxious with having an anterior placenta that I won’t feel much or have that reassurance. It’s only been picked up today when we had our gender scan and found out it’s another girl we’re 15+5 anyone else have this?
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My baby was born this month he was my first and I had an anterior placenta. I was still able to feel him move plenty. The sonographer told me the reduced movement thing with anterior is a bit of a myth. Movements may be cushioned a bit in comparison but you will still feel them ❤️ I felt him move loads and they were strong ! My fiance felt his first kick through my stomach when I was 22 weeks pregnant x

Just adding as well that my movements were that regular and strong that I was only in triage once due to reduced movement my entire pregnancy. Everything was fine he started kicking like mad again when I was in there 😂

With my first anterior placenta pregnancy, I felt lots of movement, it just started a little later. With my second anterior, I felt her move at 14 weeks but has always been a bit more gentle. But with both, I could always feel them in their way

@Lauren aw that’s such a relief to hear! Thank you so so much for sharing! Hope you and baby boy are doing really well!💕

I had an anterior placenta with my first. I still felt her move loads, if anything I started feeling movements slightly later than is the ‘norm’ but it was also my first baby so I just might not have known! I had reduced movements at the end of my pregnancy but that was due to her size not the placenta ☺️

@Kayleigh thank you so much! Hope you and baby girl are doing well xxx

I had an anterior and still felt lots and lots of movement and could see him moving around too! It may take a bit longer to start feeling movement but don’t worry about not being able to feel, you will! X

I had an anterior placenta with my first and felt lots of movements. I felt them early on too, I had obvious flutters from 17 weeks. I never felt much kicking, just lots of rolling around type movements. But she was very active.

I have an anterior placenta even with my first and once i first felt him move he never stopped! I just takes a bit longer to feel them xxx

Thank you all so much for taking the time to comment! Xxx

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