
Anyone have experience with nexplanon? Pros and cons?
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Heavy bleeding, irregular bleeding, longest I bled for was 9 weeks.. weight gain, mood swings. sorry it's nothing positive for me.

That’s okay! I need to know so I can see if I really want to go through with it

I didn’t have any periods for the first 2 years on it (a positive for me), I only started getting my periods a few months ago and the implant expires in November. I also have constant sharp pains where it has been placed, I thought it would stop hurting after a few months but it hurts every now and then. That’s all I’ve experienced with it x

I was on nexplanon for years and it messed me up big time. I gained so much weight, my periods were all over the place, hormones took a huge hit. It was horrible. When I talked to my OBGYN, she recommended the IUD over that. Only thing that sucks about the IUD is they do not give the proper pain management for the placement which blows my mind.

@Caira that’s ridiculous, there has to be something they can do for the pain other than popping a Tylenol for after it’s done

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