This is interesting, I guess it’s the norm in Chinese culture, but I would definitely want my husband present for the birth!
It wasn’t common for dads to be present in births in the UK either until fairly recently!
It wasn't common in the UK or the US for dads to be present for delivery until pretty recently either! My mom is only 50 and her dad was not present for any of his children's births. I'm 30 and my own dad was still taken to the waiting room initially and then asked if he wanted to be there for delivery.
@MK totally, but I’m more so talking about the last decade. Even in 2025 this is still women’s only space. I’m sorry, i should have been more specific!!
Eeww Why would anyone want their male people in there tho...if he wants to all the pats for him but most don't want to and it's better that way. He can just wait outside.
My dad was born in 1956 and his dad stayed in the waiting room when him and siblings were born. So this doesn’t surprise me that there are countries still do this!
@Lav it's very common for fathers to be in the delivery room. My partner was my biggest support during delivery and advocated so well for me when I was unable to myself.
@Lav I can’t answer for others but I want my husband to always be present during this time. He also wants it this way. It’s a beautiful bond/ support/ love. During birth he’s my voice and brain as I’m generally working hard to process the pain and situation. For example I have anemia which also causes me to have dangerously low platelets. This can cause excess bleeding (bleeding out) and it make it difficult to actually stop it once begun during L&D. It’s higher risk of brain bleeding….so that crazy. Im more likely to NOT get the CHOICE of getting an epidural as it can cause a massive blood collection at the spine. I went natural with both of my kids. Anyway my medical notes didn’t say this and thank fucking god my husband knew this and told staff. I knew this but my mind was elsewhere. This…this is one reason I’m happy my husband wants to be there and help deliver his children. Plus, no shame. He’s seen it all (I mean how did that baby get there anyways)😂
@S. annalese when the baby got in there i am sure the cat was in tip top condition and not in distress tho was it ?? 🤭🤣 but I said if they like being in there then I love it for them. Good on them.