@Molly that sounds like a great arrangement. Is she with them for a whole day?
Nono! Just a few hours while I go grocery shopping or to a work out class. I pump and breastfeed so I can't be gone that long.
We've left him a few times with my mom and with my brother in law and his wife, for a few hours or an evening, since about 2.5-3 months. He's had times where he's settled and times when he's not. I pump and breastfeed as well. I think that sometimes people feel like they need to play with the baby as much as possible and don't recognize when he's tired, and then they have a cranky overtired baby to contend with!
@Kat that's a good point. Especially if it had been a while since they were around babies or they haven't had as much experience.
My parents take care of my gal twice a week so she's really used to it and comfortable with them. Haven't left her with anyone else though! But honestly I don't think I'd be comfortable leaving her with just friends or someone she didn't see so regularly.