@Ashley I also graduate the end of May and thought it was way too early so I didn’t plan anything lol. I might also plan something maybe for 2-3 hours
#1 (10/2018)- at the zoo just shy of 3 weeks old; had been with us to early voting a week before that and I'm sure I had taken her by my office by then; we were out and about pretty fast #2 (11/2023) - Covid baby, so we didn't go anywhere except doctor visits until at least Christmas, then he started going to work with me after the beginning of the year (5 coworkers & had my own private office), not sure when we finally did like a public outing This baby (due 4/7) - we have a Mother's Day Tea reservation, but possibly out to a park or sibling's activity before that It really just depends on your comfort level and how confident you feel setting boundaries around other people holding/touching baby. Baby carriers are good because it keeps them close to you and they're asleep a lot, so it's easier to make an excuse not to hand them over. We're mostly out of cold & flu season, but ramping up into allergy season which can look a lot like viral symptoms.
I mean you are out at the pediatricians office within 1 week of birth and there’s germs everywhere, i think it’s all about you keeping them as close to you as possible either in the stroller or a carrier and you can take them anywhere and everywhere! I regret not leaving the house more on maternity leave with my first because this newborn phase where they are just a tiny sack of potatoes is the easiest to go places!
We took our first son on walks every day from the first day we got home! We dropped by coffee shops and had food at restaurants while I was wearing him. We also had a decent amount of visitors that I really enjoyed pretty early on and we didn't have any issues.
@Kelly personally, the first six months are the easiest imo - I've had good sleepers, I understand that may not be true for some! But they only have the on/off modes of sleep and I'm completely comfortable breast-feeding in public. I joked that my first was like my little purse pooch, I just toted her around everywhere I always went anyway. Logistics are trickier these days lol
Following as well cause I’m a FTM and have no idea. My baby is did April 4th and was hoping to have him at least come out for Easter with my family.