
ladies, how do you have your little ones take bath? which product you use for placing inside of the bathtub? I almost get clean my baby 2-3 times in a day, so wonder what you use to settle them in there. thanks
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We have a collapsible bathtub (like a laundry basket) that we use so we don't have to fill the whole tub. It works really for us still! Since it is smaller it helps contain him

I just use the tub by itself. She does great! We used to use a smaller infant tub, but she outgrew it around 10 months. We also only bathe every day or every other day. More than once a day seems like a lot - but you do you boo! 😊

We use a Frida bathtub and mine live it! My toddler crawls in with her 😂 they use that tub like it’s a pool. We have a shower so this works for my little water bugs. Sometimes she plays in the actual shower with no tub

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