How often is your 2 y/o having meltdowns?

Like reeeeeaaal meltdown, scream-crying, thrashing, etc.
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My LO was doing it everyday. I took her to her pediatrician and she told it’s because she had a speech delay.

@Zayra I told my partner today I want to take mine to the pediatrician as well. She definitely does get more frustrated when I don’t understand her, but hers isn’t about language, it’s just anytime anything doesn’t go exactly her way. And it’s never like “oh bummer” it’s like the world is ending 18x a day.

It’s more to do as that their growing and not able to communicate fully to you that it’s their way of expressing themselves. It’s the terrible twos. Mine isn’t 2 just yet & been doing it a lot lately. I worked in a nursery before having my first 1 & trust me, I have seen how they can be like

@Lorraine were some just more prone to really over the top reactions than others. Or girls more emotional than boys? My best friend and my brother both have boys that are about the same age as my daughter, and they have little fits, but nothing like mine.

Maybe once a day when he's tired

Mine mostly does it when she isn't allowed to play with something or if she doesn't wanna sit in her chair during dinner We calm her by telling her to take a big breath and then we do it with her, if it doesn't work we slowly count to 10 while breathing, then we talk to her. Sometimes we just offer "blue juice" (water) and she'll calm down

Not that often. But, my oldest didn’t really start full blown tantrums until after 3. So, it may be coming!

it is very normal 2year-old to have a meltdown because they can’t regulate their emotions, but if you sit down with them and teach them breathing techniques, it will help you to not feel over stimulated and help them regulate their emotions, so they are able to manage their feelings in a better way such as counting down 5 to 0, screaming in a pillow, putting headphones on meditating and both of you having a five minute timer time to regulate your emotions but that’s why they call it. The terrible twos. 😂😅 but make sure to teach them healthy boundaries for yourself and for them

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