I did think that but I’ve had the implant so that should of stopped that really and it hasn’t stopped completely at all since she has been born x
I bled on and off for the 6 weeks. Just when I would think it was over, I would start again. Sometimes heavy. Didn’t get my first period until 2.5 months but that’s because I chose to pump and formula feed. So I think it came back earlier than if I was exclusively breastfeeding from the nip.
Maybe your period? My first one was around 4-5 weeks pp and it was heavier than usual and alot more painful!
I bled and spotted for 9 weeks with my csection. It just didn't stop lol with my VBAC I only bled/spotted for 6 weeks. If you're worried definitely call your OB to make sure everything is okay
I stopped bleeding 4 weeks pp then started again at 6 weeks. There was so much I went to the hospital I thought I was having a secondary hemorrhage but they checked me and said it was my period. It was insane honestly I was passing clots the size of hamsters it was worse than my post partum bleeding
Either first period or if you’ve overdone it with walking etc. it can still happen x
I bled on and off for 12 weeks. Then it stopped for a week and started gushing out again so bad I had to start using my maternity pads again. The blood filled 4 pads and I started feeling unwell. I was taken to hospital in an ambulance and they found out that I had a 6cm blood clot. They had to stop the bleeding in the hospital. Luckily, my body cleared it and I was put on antibiotics to make sure there wasn’t an infection. All I am saying is, go and get it checked. It might be nothing, but better be safe than sorry!
Sam did you feel ok or unwell?
@Stephanie I felt okay up until I had to start using those giant maternity pads again. Then the blood loss made me feel lightheaded and unwell
Its most likely your first period. My first one was the worse. X