Hey! I 100% get the knowing you don’t need to worry but still worrying - I’ve been there! It’s normal ❤️ So my lg sounds very similar, she is now 11mths + 5 days. She started rolling + sitting independently @ 7mths then nothing until bum scooting @ 10mths And all of a sudden last week (just before turning 11mths) she now goes on all 4s, pulls up to stand on people, pulled to stand on an object once, and walks with us holding her hands (nowhere near balancing on her own). I believe she is probably less than a week away from starting crawling now, she’s so close! A few weeks ago she literally haaaated being on her tummy, physically unable to support herself on all 4s. All of her cousins didn’t crawl until after 1 and were late walkers and they are thriving now 😊 I’m trying to let it happen when it happens so I’m with you there! Only thing we did start doing was taking her socks off for more grip, but not sure if it helped? X
This is a a video of her having an absolute drama back at 9mths when we tried to help her crawl and she didn’t want to 😂 just shows how reluctant she was up until recently ! X
Mine HATED tummy time so much so that we very rarely did it. Rolled later than usual but sat unassisted at 6 months and did only that until a couple of weeks ago he just started crawling over the space of about a week ! I honestly think it just comes in time x
My baby is exactly same as yours
Thanks everyone this has been really helpful. It’s just good to know that others have had similar experiences x
My stepdaughter is now 7, but she didn’t crawl until 14 months, and then walked at 16 months! As long as you’re in discussions with the correct health professionals don’t worry too much (I know easier said than done!)🫶🏻🤍
Crawling has been removed as a milestone in lots of places as it’s so variable - you could try kneeling practice (playing in a corner for example or on an elevate surface so she is kneeling), and practice standing (I put a toy on the sofa and let him stand and play). My son is the same, not crawling but does that backward crawl slide thing. They will pick it up im sure x