We use nappy pants at night I feel like there's more side protection
You can try sizing up the vest because if that’s tight and pushing against the diaper when full it can cause compression leaks. We used cloth- day and night and we’ve never had any leaks. What you can do, is buy disposable boosters and put that inside the diaper, or get some cloth diapers and with one insert in those (6 layers) put that over the disposable and it’ll catch any leaks from the disposable, you’ll have to wash them though, but if you buy a pack of 6 you can wash at day 4 and then just keep reusing instead of buying more and more over the years. I liked using cloth coz I never ran out they were always there for me to use. But I used 3 of the 6 layer inserts for night (18 layers) to replace the disposable altogether, but you can just use 1 insert over the disposable if you didn’t want to go all cloth but have that extra absorbency. Like a hybrid cloth system. Or yeah the disposable boosters on Ama
taking notes for when my two month old gets bigger ✍🏼
Nappy pants are the best! I find buying the + size best for example in a size 5 nappy in the day so 5+ nappy pants
Definitely try nappy pants, I know some people double nappy of a night time. Have you tried a different brand? Or you can get a nappy booster(reusable pad to put inside the nappy) which increases absorbency.
Sainsburys pull ups, change right before bed x
I love nappy pants, the Pampers ones are so absorbant they're amazing!
Is his vest too tight? Try a bigger one so the nappy has room to expand