In laws coming to stay!

Next weekend my partners family are coming to stay with us for the weekend. Since we moved into our house three years ago they have never come to visit we always have to go the them so visit them a couple of times a year. His youngest sister has always got nits! I feel disgusting everytime we go round, the dogs always get fleas and we always get nits! I’ve asked my partner to speak to his mum to get her to do a nit treatment on her but she doesn’t care - his brother said he’s going to try do one. Her hairs always matted because she won’t brush her hair or let anyone else do it. Is there anything I can do to prevent us all getting the nits? Am I going to have to follow her around with a hoover? 🤣
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Oh girl, that's wild! They're lucky you're letting them even come! If it were me, it would be a hard no. If the mom doesn't care, I wouldn't care either 😂 I'd tell them to bring their own pillow and bedding and not to go on the couch (if fabric), or on carpet. I would probably watch everywhere she goes because I'd be so stressed If no one is going to be offended, you can ask to do a head check. There's also this AMAZING microcomb that works wonders that you could get or have them run through her hair. I think it's called the nit free terminator and works better than any treatment we've used!

@Jessica I’m beyond stressed by it. They’re coming for our kids christening and it’s going to be the first time both families meet! My partner said he’s so embarrassed by it. They’re coming on the train so can’t bring their own bedding- I’m having to go buy more so we have enough for them. She won’t let us check especially not me she doesn’t like me 😂 don’t get it though she never itches but as soon as her names mentioned I’m scratching 😂

Having an 8 year old with this problem it does seem like I’m permanently combing and treating the hair. Is there a reason she doesn’t like her hair brushed ie sensory? Just seems like there is more going on with her than just nits.

@Karen she’s 11 and in a women’s size 16 clothes. She won’t eat unless it’s McDonald’s or chocolate . Won’t go to school because she doesn’t want to walk. At home she stays in bed all day. My partner says compared to his childhood his mum is a very lazy parent with her. She doesn’t have any kind of learning difficulties or any disabilities

Thatd frustrating! Maybe someone she's comfortable with can check. That's so tough, very frustrating indeed. Don't be embarrassed though! It's not you guys! At this point, just keep a good distance from all of their heads and dont lay/sit where they have been (i.e couch or beds) and then wash and put them in the dryer as soon as they leave. Such an uncomfortable weekend!!

Nope no way no how. The amount you’re going to be spending on treatments for yourselves and the dogs, and beddings I would just put them up in a motel. Nope. I’m itching now thinking about it

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