I just wanted to come on here and say as someone who also had a traumatic birth with my first child who also ended up in the nicu for a week and who also struggled with latching and pumping being kinda pointless at the hospital… you aren’t a failure. I know the guilt of having a baby in the nicu but my son is now 10. And all those nights and struggles were hard… but it does get easier. You still have so much going on rn with hormones and you are getting the help you need and you have a support system… so it will get better! You aren’t a failure. I definitely had to put my baby down when wouldn’t stop crying and walked away to gain composure. It’s ok to do that when you need it. It’s not easy being a single parent but eventually these nights will be a distant memory I assure you 🫂
I felt the same way after giving birth. I had mine at 37 weeks with a c section. I had the baby blues so bad. I cried so much. I gave myself a panic attack ended up in the hospital. Then felt stupid for having a panic attack. The hormones and emotions are so crazy after giving birth. I think it’s one thing not spoken about is how you will feel after having a baby. I would tell myself I made a mistake and I wish I could take it all back. I was not able to breastfeed either. We started with formula and when I would give him my breastmilk he would get really sick. So it was a hard decision but after seeing my baby thriving and being more comfortable on the formula over my breastmilk I started to feel better. I did have alot of mom guilt but at the same time fed is best. I also ended up getting the owlet because of my anxiety and I also had another device on my baby. The sense-u. I was able to get some sleep.
I was a basket case. But when ppl tell you it gets easier. It will. Once you establish a routine and get a really good nights rest.
You are not a failure AT ALL. This is how many moms feel after giving birth but not every one is brave enough to talk about it. You’re hormones need some time, give yourself a couple of months. It took me over 6 months to slowly go back to normal. If you have any thoughts like that just tell yourself that’s normal and you will have enough time to bond with your baby and love him! Give yourself some more love