How to deal with a negative MIL?

Everything she says is negative or just plain out of stupidity! I haven’t seen her since Xmas and we had to see her tonight. These are the highlights. She said that putting our child in swim at this one place, Aqua Tots was not good. I asked why, she said those “private places are not good”, and yet she admitted she does not know anything about it. I asked what she recommends and she said “Oh I don’t know”.’ I laughed in her face on purpose due to the dumb comment. Another thing. Since she does not bake, I asked if she would want to go to a bakery to pick up treats for my son sometime. She said she does not do bakeries and only goes to her local Walmart…. Well…. That won’t happen since I don’t want my son to eat something a bit nicer than Walmart junk. How do I deal with this? Just ignore? My husband knows and agreed with me. Should I just ignore her comments and try to see her as little as possible?? She’s too negative about every subject and it disturbs me to where I think about it for days. Impacts my mental health dealing with her the little that we do
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Depends on how sensitive she is! If it were my mom, I'd straight up tell her "unless you have something nice to say, we don't want to hear it". I'd ask my husband to tell his mom the same because at this point in our relationship, I don't think it's my place

@Jessica Thank you! I’m going to tell my husband. He stays silent and tells me later that he acknowledges the behavior. I’m going to tell him to speak up so I don’t have to complain about it later to him. Thank you!

Sounds like my mother law. She treats my husband terribly and pays no attention to our daughter so we keep them at a distance. Everything out of her mouth is negative and always wants to know what my daughter is unable to do. It’s best got your mental health to keep the positive people in in my opinion.

@Sarah I agree! Thank you. Sorry it’s happening to you too and I can relate with you on that

@Sarah You are so helpful! Thank you! I will take your advice and do the same. We deserve better and glad you can relate to help me out too. It’s so unhealthy like you said. Ugh. We wish them the best but ugh needing to save our own mental sanity :)

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