We have used our owlet since the day he day he was born he is 8 months now and it's great. It sets off a loud alarm if anythings wrong but it's also so handy when putting them in their cot at night as you can see whether they are in a deep sleep by their heart rate!
I use the snuza it's recommended by the lullaby trust and it's half the price of an owlet but it isn't technological like an owlet it just starts beeping loudly if it can't detect baby breathing x
@Laura has the alarm ever gone off? And if so, why did it go off? Hope you don’t mind me asking
@Laura that’s great to know thank you!
@Willow I’ll look into this also thank you!
@Jenna no problem at all! Yes it has gone off twice when he was a few weeks old as his oxygen levels dropped below what they class as normal. He was completely fine after both times I shot out of bed and woke him up to check him over. I won't ever know if he would have been ok on those occasions if I didn't have it... it has never gone off since xx
Can’t recommend as I haven’t used it yet but I just ordered the snuza hero!! It monitors baby’s breathing by just clipping onto the band of their nappy. Got mine on Vinted for £15!