Deadbeat grandparents

Hey y’all how often do your in laws see your kids? Mine live literally 30 mins away and barely ever see them. They haven’t seen them in over a month. It’s just wild to me. They don’t even FaceTime. I don’t live in the same state as my parents so it suck’s not having support close by.
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Mine don’t even call and ask about her. I wouldn’t put too much thought into it. Their loss

Hi, they might not want to impose seeing as they’re the in-laws. My parents also don’t live in the same state, and my husband does FaceTimes with my mother in law. She’s disabled and can’t drive though. Maybe invite them? That might be what they’re waiting for….

Mine live 2 hours (thank goodness) away and they make more plans with my husband's sister who lives 5 hours away from them to go see their grandsons, than they do with us. This past weekend was the first time since Christmas we had seen them. It doesn't bother me we don't see them, it irritates the shit out of me though that they'll sit there and bitch about not seeing their granddaughter much when the lines of communication work both ways.

We see my in laws also a half hour away typically once a week for dinner if not always the following week. My mom is 45 minutes away and I see her typically every other week but we FaceTime every few days

@Ariyana that’s exactly my thought, their loss.

@Vivian this has been an issue since my first was born. My husband has had many talks with them about not seeing the kids. We’ve invited them many times but have stopped because they always had an excuse as to why they can’t

@Carlene Langley I love that

I’m so sorry! That sounds so difficult. The ball seems to be in their court then.

@Amber my kids are their only grandchildren you would think they would want to be around all the time but oh well

My father in law comes 5 times a week, MIL comes once a week. They only stay about 30 minutes and live about 25 mins away x

My parents are very involved. My in laws on the other hand are not, we probably see them like once a year, if that and they never call to check in on the kids or see how we’re doing. They live like 5 hours away and every year we make the drive to see them a couple times when we can. They never come see us, even though they have been invited and know they are always welcome 🤷🏻‍♀️. My husband keeps in touch with them but I kind of just mind my business now. When we get together it’s a nice time and we have fun, but I’m at the phase in my life where I’m not chasing people around to be in our lives, and that includes family too.

We’re currently no contact but before that they made zero effort even when we used to live 30 minutes away from them there was still no effort, my husband had to drive our kids to his parents house. They never call or FaceTime, they felt that it was our children’s responsibility to call them. My 6 yr old has seen them roughly 5 times in his life and my 3 yr old has only seen them twice. We now live 6 hours away and the last time they even talked to the kids was over a year ago. But I will say that my husband still has his grandparents and they’re heavily involved in our kids lives and I’m greatly appreciative of them. Weekly FaceTime calls and yearly visits, my boys absolutely adore them. It’s wild to me that their grandparents who are in their 50s can’t be bothered but the great grandparents who are in their mid 80s still make all the effort to be there for my kids.

Mine (including the father) live not even 5 minutes away from my house, dont get calls/texts asking how my daughters doing. But hey…more peace for me😂

My ILs show up every 2-3 months then seem disappointed our daughter doesn't know them. They get the relationship their effort deserves. We're not going out of our way to show our daughter photos of them and trying to teach her their names when they don't show up for her. 🤷🏻‍♀️

My in laws live 10 min away and see the kids maybe once a month, sometimes once every 2 months. Theyre old and dont have the energy or patience to deal with kids. I had an important dr appointment last week and asked my in laws to watch my baby for 30 min to 1h. My mil told my husband they dont wanna watch her again because it was too much and that we should figure it out between us. My parents live in another country 6 months a year so im all alone :/

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My MIL lives 5 min drive away and we set up twice weekly so they would have a bond but she complained about it feeling forced and said she doesn't love her in that way. Now she sees her when we go out for a meal together. Mil tries to do this monthly but this is very new and we've done it twice so far (LO 8mo) I'm not holding my breath for it lasting long. She gets drunk in the early afternoon when we do and I'm protective due to that. She drives me crazy and is a very selfish woman but she does offer to buy baby items so I feel I can't complain. Due to the respect I have for my husband I will never disrespect her like I feel to. It angers me more as when pregnant she was saying how she'd look after her and be the best grandma she could be while she's alive. As soon as I had her she watched her for 30min as she slept and said she couldn't do anymore than that which meant it would never help us and has said since it's too hard to watch her. Just wish she never said she would. My mum passed 6 years ago.

Im always reaching out

I see my mom often so she sees baby often. We’ve moved farther away from her and she will come here and there but I take him more often than not. We live with MIL right now, so she’s built a great relationship with baby. But before we moved with her, she didn’t see him as often. Although she called to check in on him and came by sometimes. I feel like those who want to will and I only want those around him who want to be. His aunts and uncles kinda suck tho. On both sides.

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