Anyone with a toddler really struggling to cope at the moment?

I have zero energy as it is but she’s being really testing at the moment - some hitting, biting, not listening to us at all, throwing food. She’s also got her molars coming through and isn’t sleeping well which I’m sure is contributing to her behaviour. Normally I can manage this, I can keep calm and keep my patience but at the moment I just can’t deal with it. Today she launched the tv remote at my mouth and made it bleed and I just sat there sobbing. It feels I just don’t have the energy to do this 😩 Ps. I do love her more than anything, please don’t doubt that.
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It’s so so hard… I went through a phase of being so frustrated at my 2yo son and then felt so guilty… so I’ve completely changed approach because he can’t control his behaviour but I can control mine. I started dragging myself up and prevent as much as possible rather than repeating “no” a million times. I asked things once and the second time I’d literally move him from the situation so he couldn’t offend again, and I’d avoid exasperation. I allocate time to play and give him full attention and time I do house stuff and he needs to be on his own. He seems more content because I yell less and he’s no had major naughty behaviour. We even just survived 8 days without my husband as he was away and I had to deal with everything wile working full time and felt quite empowering!

I follow this lady on insta and her approach really worked for us

Girl yes!! Everything is a battle and I physically don’t have the energy. I’m still learning as I go so just trying to be patient with us both. I think Veronica has gave some good advice worth trying. Good luck and you are not alone. Xx

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