I answered I had one and loved it but didn’t see your baby is already 8 months old. I stopped using it at around 10 months as by then the baby is too big and heavy and also prefers to be in the pram. I found it useful with newborns to carry them on me around the house and outdoors.
I wish I had got one earlier. I took the plunge when baby was about 8 months and then had more options when out and about. I got two, an ergobaby one and a tushbaby which I saw after ordering the second. I find the tushbaby easier to use, but think when she is bigger and I can talk to her the other will be easier. She is 13 months now. Some days I just don't want the bother of dealing with the pram, or she is fussy and wants to be close to me so it is just easier to have her facing me in the sling. I had a maternity coat which converts into a coat with a section to go over baby in the sling and in bad weather she is so snug with this coat zipped up over us. The tushbaby also lets me shove in a nappy and wipes so then I forgo the baby bag if its a quick outing
My son has been Velcro since he was born . It saved my sanity and still using it he’s 9 months now
My daughter just turned one and the only reason I stopped using it is because I’m pregnant again and I would put her in the front and my belly was getting too big or I’d still be using it! I found it easier then lugging around her stroller or putting her in a cart and her trying to bite the rails and she loved being in it
I haven't used one like you've shown here but I carried my son regularly in a baby/ toddler carrier until he was around 29 months and I only stopped then because I was pregnant and found it difficult to continue carrying him. I was carrying him on my back in the carrier on the lead up to and after he turned two. He was mobile from an early age so I found it far easier having a carrier than using the pram/pushchair because he would mostly walk and then I could put him in the carrier when he got tired.
I used my toddler carriers all the time. I even have preschool sized ones too.