
I’m 37 + 3 today, my bump has been quite firm/tight on and off most of the day today with light period cramps … not sure if this is Braxton hicks or what it could be? Is she getting close? Also had a growth scan today where she measured 7lbs 🫣
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I’ve been getting this for around a week now, I’m 38 weeks.. I think it’s just braxton hicks for me as nothing has come of it xx

I've been getting painful period cramps that go away so I don't think it's labour as they won't stop once labour starts

I’m 39 weeks and I’ve had period cramps and tightening for 2 weeks! Every single night goes away in the day - super frustrating x

@Chloe I had this & it turned out I was in active labour lool, I gave birth at 37+3 but the day my water broke my contractions started off at being 6 mins apart & very intense & when I went to triage within the hour I was already 4cm dilated, that’s when we realised all those period like pain’s & tightness I felt in my stomach along with the lower back pain was my contractions, they were just very far apart & the beginning of my labour x

@Tasnim how long did you have it for? Surely it’s not possible for me to be in active labour for 2 weeks is it?! 😂

@Chloe my tightening feeling, period cramps, intense leg pain (that I only used to get dyeing my period) & back pain I would say started on & off 2 weeks before I gave birth as around that time I had a growth scan & I mentioned my pains & that’s when the consultant said to monitor how far apart the pains were as it sounded like contractions to them which makes sense coz how could I be 4cm so quick & my contractions be so close together as soon as my water broke when usually people get sent home waiting for contractions to be more strong

@Chloe just monitor yourself hun & keep an eye out on your pains, might not happen straight away but you also never know coz I honestly did not expect to give birth that day 😂

@Tasnim how interesting thanks for letting me know! I really hope he’s coming soon because the constant pain and tightening is tough I’m getting no sleep every night 😭x

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