I let my daughter throw her fit and I stand my ground. She is also 22 months old. I am super nice about it all, but I won't put up with her trying to manipulate me. It's so hard to want them to just stop. But, sometimes I turn the music on so she knows I'm done paying attention to the negative behavior. Eventually she just ends up distracting herself. But of course she relapses a few more times along the way lol
My daughter is 23 months and has been in this stage forever! Just know it is normal!! We dont do time outs we do time ins where when we say no hitting she usually gets upset and throws herself on the floor screaming and crying. I sit with her even when she tells me to go away and i just sit quietly breathing, after a while she begins to calm down and i ask for a hug she will say sorry snd we move on. Sometimes this does not work but we found its worked best. We also remove quickly any fun or remove her from the fun when she is hitting or is beginning to get hostile. Toddlers live in the moment so you have to act fast or else it doesnt matter because they forget, etc. just remember this is normal for their age to hit, we can only try to mimick and reward the behaviour we want to see! Time ins are great and if you havent heard of them id def recommend looking into them!