Travelling in car

Help! My 11 week old hates the car! This started a couple weeks ago, she just screams in the car unless I am sat in the back with her which is hard if I’m by myself and need to run errands. It’s getting to the point I dread driving anywhere on my own with her and just want to stay home.
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I would try a spiral toy on the car seat handle to try and keep her distracted - my baby has been unsettled in the car recently and it was because she had outgrown some of the newborn inserts, so could be worthwhile checking that she is comfortable in the car seat too.

@Louise thank you! I’ve tried that baby Einstein fish tv thing, that works for a short while. The inserts only have two pieces which I’ve tried removing but she’s still too small for both have them xx

There was a mum I saw on IG a little while ago who taped a photo of themselves to the chair baby was facing, could be worth a go!

Is is the car drive or car seat? I make sure my LO is nice and warm and play nursery rhymes when she's unsettled, that's usually when we're stuck in traffic as she doesn't mind when we're moving though. X

Same here… it’s awful and I feel so bad! I don’t want to isolate myself, but it’s so hard to listen to her wail her little heart out the whole car ride. I’m hoping it’s just a phase and passes soon.

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