@Cherise see I was on the pill (Yasmin) until 2021 and didn’t get pregnant with my first until 2023. So part of me is like I should probably come off it now since my body seems to take a while but I’m lowkey scared about the off chance that I’ll get pregnant quickly bc it’s an inconvenient time rn
I came off mine In may 2023 for my wedding in sept 2024 and my periods only got “normal” again around my wedding then it took me four months after that to conceive. it can be shorter than that but can take a lot longer than a year for some women to regulate their periods or become fertile again so I would advise to come off as soon as possible and use other contraception like condoms whilst not trying to get pregnant x
Unfortunately even if you come off when you think it may still not happen when you want. I haven't personally been on the injection but was on the pill for almost 10 years and it took me 5 years to get pregnant after that (ended in miscarriage) then another year. Any hormones can mess stuff up for a while so I'd personally come off it asap and use other options.
Okay thanks guys. I think I’ll come off it now and just be careful and use something else in the meantime
It took me 4 years to get pregnant after the depo shot 😭
@Chyna oh Lord girl 😭. Tbf I think it might take me a while bc it took me 2 years to get pregnant after the pill!
I stopped my injection in 2021 and it took until 2023 for me to fall pregnant with my daughter x