I’m acc so annoyed. Just need to rant. Yesterday my husbands grandparents invited the whole family over ( his uncles, aunties, cousins, siblings and his mum ) I have a 2 year old and I’m 33 weeks pregnant. My relationship with my mil is non existent since she has done a lot of horrible things to me and my husband so I choose to keep my distance now but I’m fine with the rest of his family. When I went there there was two things that really annoyed me.
Firstly we was all sat down eating, my husband had the drinks next to him so I asked him to pour me some juice as I was super thirsty, he grabbed the drink and asked his mum if she wanted some and poured her a cup which I was a bit like 🙄 since I literally asked him a min a go so I was waiting for him to pour me some but he did right after and then he realised what he did and started smirking lol.
Secondly my mil was interfering with EVERYTHING I was doing in regards of my daughter, making comments to me like” don’t do this or don’t give her this “ or bothering her while she was trying to eat, forcing her to interact with her and being all up in her face when my daughter would blatantly be ignoring her and at one point she even screamed and ran away from her and ran to me and told me she was scared because she wouldn’t leave her alone lol, etc. my LO gets really frustrated if someone’s in her face when she doesn’t want them to and will end up crying and then clinging on to me the rest of the time and only wanting me to hold her which is super annoying since I’m heavily pregnant and exhausted.
I don’t understand why she’s so annoying, especially since she don’t bother with her usually but whenever we are around ppl who don’t really know that we have issues with her she tries to act like she has this amazing relationship with her. She will go to the extents to lie about things she did with my daughter or just things about my daughter in general . like why fake things ? If u cba with her for real then don’t pretend in from of others.
Your MIL is a text book narcissist… sorry your going through this 😬