🤔 when did you give birth ?

So I'm wondering how many got on due past due and early Please comment what week you was when you had you handsome little guy or little cutie pie (depending on what you call him) and if more then one ☺️ I had my handsome little man past due date by 9 days and all my coworkers and Manger looked at me like I was crazy fir going over 40 weeks and kept working and was surprised when I was able to sit on the floor then get up with out any help
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42w. I went into labour 41+6 and gave birth next day

@Millie oh I feel that since after 40 weeks I was so exhausted and only slept anytime I didn't have something to do and my fiance was worried and wanted me to go to doctor

I was induced 38+4, bubs was born 38+6 at 1.45am

I was supposed to had him on December 15 ,he came December 1st

38+2, all natural. Was not induced or anything and this was my first baby. I’ve been told that you normally go over due date but my baby was early

@Millie it was the same for me! I was so ready to give birth at that point 😅

Was induced at 38 weeks exactly had him the next day!

41+2 weeks 9days overdue , we were booked in for an induction the next day so was very glad he chose to arrive the night before ☺️

My little one was early, he was only just 37weeks and he shown on the scan that he had stopped growing... had growth scans throughout every 2 weeks, they decided to leave him 4 weeks and this happened. Was booked in for induction on the Sunday- didn't work what so ever... then agreed emergency c-section on the Monday home on Tuesday poor little beauty he is happy healthy & content, certainly gained his birth weight and 11 week old 🥰- was a very worrying time from start to finish 💙

My first pregnancy I was induced a week before he was due, and this pregnancy I’m hoping he comes early

I was due May 27th and had my baby on May 20th I was 38 weeks and six days pregnant

So mine started labor on his due date but he wasn't born for several days afterwards

With my first, my water broke on my due date and he came the next morning. I am 34 weeks now and hoping this little guy comes before his due date

With my son, 39+3. With my daughter, 39+1

My first boy I was 36&6 My second boy I was 39&2 and he only came then because he was a scheduled c section

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Induced at 40wks exactly Natural at 38+6 Planned induction at 38+6

Had mine two days early but my water broke two days before that!

41+2 with my son and babygirl was a planned c section so 40+2

Induced with my first at 39 weeks had him 39+1 set to be induced with my second at 39 weeks as well.

C-section:38W2D(scheduled for that day) C-section:36W2D (broke my water 3 weeks before my scheduled c-section)

Planned induction cause I passed my due date which was the 14 Nov 2024 Got induced on the 22nd of Nov and had him on the 23rd and it was forceps delivery, so I had him at 41 weeks 3 days First baby

40+1, all natural

My first and third were at 37 weeks. My second I delivered at 34 weeks but I went into labor at 31.

I was induced on my due date at 6:30 am and gave birth 1:57 am the next day.

Induced 38 + 4 due to gestational diabetes

42+1 - first pregnancy 41+4 - second pregnancy Both came naturally Going past due date runs in the family.

41+5 with my little boy, he’s my first baby was born naturally and weighed 9lb 4.5oz. I had 3 stretch and sweeps and was on the list to be induced but contractions started, they had to break my waters x

I had my little boy at 41 weeks exactly

still yet to give birth, 40+3 🥲

Past due he came 5 days after due date

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First was born at 42+1, currently 38 weeks pregnant with our second but he’s breech so will be having a c section at 39 weeks x

38 + 2 my waters broke on their own on that day


41+4 with my eldest and 41+0 with my youngest. So 11 and 7 days after the due dates. Your due date is just the middle point of your due period. People who haven't had kids really don't get that!

37+6, water broke the day prior!

@Jade hopefully he comes soon 🙏 so you can love him so much more

He was one week early born on 38 + 6 days


39w 42w and baby boy was born on his EDD with labour 27hrs before that. So I’ve had one early one late and one right on time 😂 3 vaginals

Emergency C section 38 weeks x

41+1, past dew by 8 days, natural after 40+ hours of contractions. I was so mobile until the last day too. I wish I didn’t put my maternity leave a week earlier than my EDD.

Both early… 35 weeks with first 36 weeks with second… my fiancée grandmother used to say boys born early in his family tend to be big… we shall see

First was 6 days early

First was born at 37+2, had to be induced due to preeclampsia. Second was born at “41+1”, however they changed my due date at my half way mark in pregnancy so I genuinely believe he was actually born on 40+1. And currently 39 weeks along with my third and in early stages of labour so I’m excited to see!

I had my little guy 40 weeks + 1 day My water broke on his due date and he was born 18-19 hours after that. Water broke at 3pm on his due date and he was born at 10am the next morning.

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@Katelynn they told me my water broke cuase my fluids was low for him but it never did since they broke it in hosting


My first was on his due date My second was 40+13

My first 39+5 Second 38+2 Thrid 39+2 Fourth 39+2

Nearly 2 weeks late and my induction was postponed twice as well

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