I didn’t experienced any bleeding with both my kids. But maybe if you’re sensitive ? If you’re feeling baby move I think there’s nothing to worry about but best to check with the ob!
The ob always tells me that slight spotting after a check is normal but if you are uncomfortable with the amount of spotting call you doctor or nurse hotline. If you determine everything is good but it makes you uncomfortable you are not required to have additional cervical checks. I get check at 36 weeks and have chosen not to have it done again
@Kaytlen was your spotting just the day of the check? I’m still bleeding one day after my check…
@Kate I don’t think I’m going to have it done again either!!!! The OB told me I wasn’t dilated but starting to efface. I passed two tiny blood clots after the check and am still bleeding one day after the check. Sooooo many cramps and lots of new back pain. I called the nurses line and they said it’s normal and to increase my fluids and take Tylenol but to call back if things intensify. This is my third baby and I’ve never had spotting before!!
@Neha I didn’t experience any with my other two and then bam! This one has been bleeding for two days with constant menstrual like cramps and back pain
Get check and when they tell me things are happening i don't want your know again. Ignorance is bliss. With my 1st I was 1cm when I was 39 and 5 and went into labor that night... with my second I was 1cm at 36 weeks and I wouldn't let them check again. I need more time to prep and it stress me out thing it was coming soon. She end up coming at 40 and 6. I was check with my 3rd at 36 and I was 1cm and slight effaced and that freaked me out again so I haven't had them check again. And we are still holding on with 2.5 weeks to go
I think I had slight spotting for a day or two. If it fills a panty liner, call your doctor. If it’s far less than that, it should resolve on its own soon
No difference in my experience. I had slight spotting with both