I’m in pain but I can’t tell if it’s contractions or what? I don’t think I lost my waters or mucus plug either

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Start timing! There’s apps out there, I used one and timed all my contractions to work out if it was contractions or not. Mine started every sort of 8 mins and lasted for a min and then went down to every 3 lasting for two x

@Simone im getting it regular, it woke me up to be fair! I have an app I literally just recorded this one! I am so nervous! It also feels like I have pain all around? Is that normal? Xx

I'm same waves coming every 20mins but I cant time them so intense taking all my energy to calm down but baby feels like she's gonna fall out x

@Daniela how are you doing now? Are you okay and are you still getting them?

@Briony contraction timer and counter x

I've had 2 doses of Paracetamol it's taken the edge off but I cant lie down or sleep through them they've gone to 5-10mins apart im absolutely exhausted but also running on some adrenaline no idea if their gonna fizzle out or get worse at this point I've had to eat something small to keep me going x wbu? X

@Daniela im timing and it’s every 8 mins or so! I got up and started to clean my house lol don’t ask me why but I feel like when I’m lying down the pain kicks in.. I’m also exhausted and not had good sleep today. I had two toasts as well just to give me energy! Did your waters break or mucus plug come out? Mine hasn’t :/ xx

No waters no blood I've lost bits of mucus plug every day for over a week nothing substantial though x I feel so bad I'm trying to keep quiet in the house to not wake my step son up but my poor husband hasn't had much sleep and he had to leave for work at 5am x

It can't be much longer before baby comes surely 🤦‍♀️ x

@Daniela aww bless you! I hope things go well for you! Oh yes not long at all hopefully! 🥹 xx

And you mate if anything changes let me know x

@Daniela I will do same for you hun xx let me know 😘

Hey I've been walking around shopping this morning and contractions have picked back up but not timing them yet - have your gone or come back? I've been Holland and Barretts for some clarisage woman in there said she used it with both her labour's my midwife recommended it for me but you do have to ask your midwife before use x

@Daniela hey I hope you’re okay! Wow you’re brave to go out! I stayed indoors but I guess fresh air does wonders! My contractions are coming and going.. gets stronger sometimes but I’m not timing since I’ve been doing house chores (incase I go hospital tonight) lol 😆 how are you feeling now? Xx

I was with my mom and didn't go far 😅 had a contraction in a shop and the woman behind the till was like omg I said dont worry she's not flying out anytime soon she's stubborn x having very random contractions here n there but mainly strong braxton hicks, been smelling thr clary sage in a tissue but no miracles have happened yet so I've done a patch test gonna rub it into bump before bed x what you thinking tonight will be like? Xx

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@Daniela hey hope you’re okay! I’m awake from the pain! Any update from you? My contractions are back now timing 8 minutes! What is the patch test btw? And has your waters broken or lost mucus plug? Xx

Hey I had exactly the same all night but the clary sage really worked I rubbed it with my stretchmark oil all over my bump n pelvic n back and it gave me just enough pain relief to sleep through the contractions so I was only having to wake up every 2 hours when they got most intense but still no water or blood - got midwife app at 12 I really need to be checked I think x did you manage to get any rest? X

@Daniela I called the hospital they said to go in but I am reluctant as I don’t want any medical intervention but I will see how I get on.. I had a lot of discharge and water yesterday so can’t even tell if my waters broke ? Gonna have to see how I get on! Let me know how your midwife appointment goes? Will you be getting a sweep at this stage? X

Not sure what they'll do to me but my contractions haven't let up all morning seem to be getting more intense x

@Daniela that’s really good news! You may have dilated! X

I'm struggling to time contractions cuz its like every few min I get waves of pressure that turn into pure pain back to pressure n normal for a few mins but the pressure lasts a long time building up before the pain hits sharper x

@Daniela ooo sounds painful.. I’m currently lying down and not in pain.. but I think it will change when I get up! Lol are your baby movements okay? C

I've felt her a couple of times but she's usually quiet at this time anyway x does your pain stop when you lie down? X

@Daniela that’s good as long as movements okay.. yes the pain has currently stopped as I’m lying down occasional comes back here and there but that’s about it! Just want this over and done with now lol xx

I cant stop crying this morning I feel like I don't know what I'm doing what these feelings are im tired this should be a form of torture I need this over x

@Daniela aww don’t be upset! You’re doing great! I can see you’re a first time mum.. this is my second. I would just advise not to let medics intervene too much and listen to your body and monitor baby movements. Look out for waters breaking.. usually a trickle/ gush water that releases. Mucus plug is a slimes substance that you may release. Go for a walk.. I am going to be as well today! Don’t worry and this will be over soon before you know it and you will enjoy your precious time with your girl! X

Hey I've had my app they tried to feel for my cervix but she got a finger tip in and said she could feel the babies head it was so agonising from just pressure she couldn't reach my cervix she said literally any min hopefully not days now and my pains understandable x

Thanks for your support during all this x

@Daniela that’s great news! I’m really happy to hear this! Oh dear sounds uncomfortable what the medic did! I have my sweep tomorrow but I’m two minds! Pretty much my midwife will do what she did to you! I’m just conscious about it and worried about uncomfortableness! Also I had a C-section with my daughter so I don’t know what to expect with normal birth and all these sweeps and stuff 🤣 let’s see how it goes x

Currently in triage having contractions but they can't see I'm dialated cuz my cervix is so far back 🤦‍♀️ I just dont know what to think at this point how can the baby be so low n painful contractions but I'm not dialated x hope your days going smoother than mine x

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@Daniela I hope you’re okay, aww bless you! I can imagine what you’re going through! I would be the same as well. You never know baby might come down by tonight just probably a bit more of a waiting game hopefully 🤞 how many weeks are you btw? Xx

38+3 Dr said I'm in labour just not enough but won't make it another week like this x going home now x how are your pains today? X

@Daniela that’s good that they let you go and not intervened too much and that you’re not high risk of anything. My pains are there coming and going.. I think I’m the same as you.. it’s just so strange I went half the day bing completely fine it’s mainly evenings I get like this lol.. but I’m glad I didn’t go hospital would just get told to go home xx

@Daniela how are you doing now? Any sign of baby? X

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