Smoking while breastfeeding?

Is anyone here actively smoking while breast feeding? If so what’s your experience like? How old if your LO and their development so far? I’m very on the fence and want to smoke again but my baby is only 3 months and I need to hear from people who actually do it rather than hearing “actually there aren’t enough studies..”
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i did. my daughter is 2 now and her development is perfect! she has a great memory, can speak very well. my tolerance was crazy low when i first started again after pregnancy so keep in mind not to overdo it lol. always wash your hands/mouth after you’re done before you hold your baby

@Izzie how old was yours when you started?

My son’s 2 now, been mainly advanced in hitting all his milestones, (started walking at 7 months, and has never slowed down) he’s slightly delayed in speech but his pediatrician said she has zero concerns with his health or development. When we’ve traveled and I’ve been without any thc in my system his behavior & temperament remain the same as when I’m home & medicated. I stick to consuming really only when lil dude is napping or asleep or out of the house with dad. From all the research I had done, a minimal amount of thc transfers through breastmilk (like 0.08%) because most of it is processed by your own body before it tries to store away in fats.

Oh and I went back to smoking like night one out of the hospital if I’m being so honest. I had an emergency c section and was not tryna go down the pain killing pills route personally.

less than a month

I’ve done it wish 3 kids aka all of my kids

I started smoking again like 2 months after I had my girl & she is perfectly fine and healthy. I smoke a joint a day except weekends.

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