It should be fine, but you should probably use a more reliable form of birth control if you're not wanting to get pregnant, never leave that up to a man because it's you and your body that pays the price.
👆🏾 thiss right here do not get yourself into this situation again. Plan b is super expensive in the long run birth control is more affordable then a plan b everytime you have sex.
Why are you using unprotected sex again after having Plan B ? You need to look at better birth control as Plan B isn't supposed to be a form of Birth Control.
Maybe take another to be on the safe side. Please use protection. That’s basically how I got pregnant. I would not recommend this method. If he doesn’t like condom please get on birth control. If you can’t afford a baby don’t play around. A lot of men will say they will be there and don’t actually be there and you end up a single mom. Not saying that’s your situation but a lot of women end up in that predicament.
Don’t rely on plan b hahah hubby and I did and we are expecting our third in a few weeks!
You should be fine, the way plan b works it delays your body from releasing an egg. So if you’re not due to ovulate for another 5 days and you already took the pill, your body is already working on withholding the release of the egg, 5 hours later honestly the pill is probably still being digested! All good. But tell that man to pull out 😅