
What are people doing with their 15 month olds who climb EVERYTHING!! My LB will climb onto the coffee table, kitchen table, windowsill, into his sisters dolls house, top bunk of their bunk bed and even so far as to a ladder into the loft (I have pictures 😂😂) Feeling at the end of my tether constantly taking him down so he doesn't die 🤣🤣
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No answers just solidarity. My first didn't really climb at all ... My second is climbing up and onto everything he possibly can!

My husband bought a little slide and she now just climbs that instead of everything else for now 🙈🙈

I redirect him to the soft play or our indoor climbing frame. My first was (is) exactly the same in wanting to scale everything, so I just try to move them somewhere where it’s safer to do it 🫣

@Chloe hey Do you have a picture of the set up Need to buy one for my little climber

Yep, exactly the same. He doesn’t want to climb his actual climbing frame, but everything else he wants to scale!

Boys lolllllĺ

We bought our litttle girl some soft play… she is climbing obsessed!

@Chloe this is so good I am considering getting one

@Chloe will get an outdoor one as i havent got space inside

Following suggestions and a nasty tumble from climbing this morning I've bought this 🤷‍♀️ Hopefully it will give him an outlet 🤞🤞🤞

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