I had this for the 1st 3 weeks after my first section, i used to have to set reminders to go 😂 the urge to go came back naturally after the 3 weeks.xx
How long ago was your section? Mine was like this for a little while after but back to normal within a few months
Happened with my first but not my second. They use a small clamp in theatre to hold your bladder out of the way and it can temporarily damage some nerves. After my first surgery I was fine but just didn’t know when I was full so I’d go to the loo and be peeing out a litre 😂 it went back to normal after a few months.
Yeah, this happened to me. I have a very small bladder so I was glad for the reprieve and not going so often. Had to consciously decide to try every few hours. The sensation came back after a couple of months.
I had this and I was convinced it was permanent damage. As well as being so busy with the baby I had to set times out during the day to go and try. It gradually came back and I’d say by 6/7 weeks PP it was back to normal. I’d only feel the mildest bit that I needed to go and then when I went it would be going on forever haha xx
@Laura my c section was almost 3 weeks ago now. I was worried there was some damage as they had to put some dye in my bladder to check for damage after the surgery but they said everything was fine
If it doesn't improve get referred to urology. Not knowing when your bladder is full is a risk for a c section and some women this is permanent and thus causes issues.
I had this I’m 2 weeks pp and it’s slowly starting to come back x
Yes my first pregnancy after my c section I had this for a few weeks!! I had to basically remind myself to wee because I lost the sensation to need to go. I mentioned it to a midwife and she said maybe a nerve got slightly damaged. It rectified after a few weeks! 🤞🏻
@Demi ah I’m sure it will go back to normal then. They damaged mine, I was peeing blood clots for days and had to stay in hospital for a few days as my pee was just red but it didn’t take long for the sensation to come back
I had this for a day or two then sensation was normal. My bigger issue was feeling the need to poop but couldn’t get my brain to activate those muscles for about a week! I’ve heard your experience is normal is it varies by person how long it lasts. I saw your procedure was three weeks ago so that is still within a “normal” range. Definitely consult with your provider in a week or two if you are still struggling
I had this for a few weeks but it’s back to normal now x
18 months pp and i still barely ever know i need to pee before i have like 6 seconds to get to a loo😂😂😂
Yes, I’m 6 weeks PP and still don’t have full bladder sensation since the c-section, but I was also pushing for a long time so that could be part of the reason! I’m speaking to a physio about it