They told me to put a pad on and lie on my left side for half an hour and if i stood up and more came out it would deffo be waters
@Laine this is what I had yesterday so don’t want to go back and then say the same
@Lisa I’ll try this Thankyou
@Olivia id deffo go and show them this too it looks too much for pee or discharge x
My waters broke and I was leaking for a whole week without even knowing and everytime I went and did a swab test with midwife it came up negative. But I’ve lost 2 thirds of my liquid and they detected via scan. I’m now being treated with rupture of membrane at 32 weeks and will have my c section soon.
@Denise omg this is so scary! I hope you and baby are both ok 🫶🏽🫶🏽
@Lisa yes well it just keeps coming out so I’ll just see how I get on in the next few hours
@Olivia id just deffo call now for peace of mind esp if it keeps coming out thats deffo waters good luck and keep us posted x
Keep some of the liquid if you can for them to test
I’m on the maternity ward now about to be induced 🩷🩷
@Olivia good luck mama!! X
@Lisa thanks so much 🩷🩷
hmm, that sounds kinda concerning, I'd definitely keep an eye on it and maybe call your doc just to be safe! I actually checked the 'Heal Baby Care App' for this and here’s what it says: "It sounds like you're experiencing something concerning, especially with the increased pressure and trickling sensation. While some women do experience increased discharge during pregnancy, the sudden change and the feeling of pressure could indicate that your waters may have broken or that there’s another issue at play. It's important to monitor your symptoms closely. I recommend contacting your healthcare provider to discuss your symptoms further, especially since they have changed since your last visit.
@Olivia how are you x
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@Olivia amazing!! Congratulations she is perfect🩷🩷
I had this a week back wasn't quite as much I don't think, but my knickers were wet. They did a swab to see if it was my waters and it came back negative.