Mine were wildly inaccurate. At one point he was almost over 90th, one point he was measuring super small like he had shrunk so the consultant said the scan was wrong. Came out around 20th centile.
My first born was 91st centile) I was induced and he was 8IB1oz at 39weeks, he was 91st centile for weight and 99 centile for height (he’s very tall). I had natural birth for him and didn’t have any of them scary things said to me. Hope you’re okay and d I’m sure you can still have a VBAC xx
@Hannah Thank you. That's interesting the centiles varied so much! I'm sorry to hear the birth was traumatic for you 😔 I hope all is well now. Tbh this is my worry with an induction process. I think I really need to research it if it becomes a recommended option
@Tanya Thank you - that's crazy the centiles were so different! I've been warned about low birth weight and preterm birth the whole time because of my health condition so it's been a surprise today to hear about a big baby etc. Will have to see what the next scan is saying and think about options from there
@Rachel Thank you. I'm glad to hear it all went well and you were able to have a natural birth. My partner and I aren't especially tall or anything and our first child tracked around 50th centile so this has been a bit of a suprise. Main thing is all is well and will just have to wait and see what comes from the next growth scan and consider the best option. Thank you - I'm doing ok 👍
So hard to tell if accurate. Told my first child would be massive - had a birthing centre birth with no intervention and 8lb baby. When I was told my second baby would be massive (very similar measurements to first) I didn’t believe it - had to have an assisted delivery as a 10lb baby.
I had my second baby in February, she was measuring the 92nd centile from 36 weeks I was advised an induction or c section which I declined My community midwife advised I had a birthing options meeting with a midwife consultant It was super helpful, they went through the pros and cons of my birthing options They gave me all the information around risks and benefits of each They also explained the growth scans are actually designed to detect smaller babies rather than larger babies After my meeting, my birthing choices were in my medical notes so it was clear going forward. I could also change my mind at any time. I still decided to decline induction and went into spontaneous labour at 39+4- baby was born on the 77th centile (8lbs 8oz) My labour was on the midwifery led unit and was uncomplicated (only 24 minutes long with just gas and air which is crazy!) The RCOG have lots of research and statistics which I found helpful! Good luck in whichever choice you make! Xx
@Laura Thank you. That's really interesting to hear that it was different size outcomes with both of your children!
@Hols Congratulations on the birth of your second baby! I'm so pleased it all went well and you felt happy in your choices! 😊 Thank you for pointing me in the direction of some research. I definitely want to be informed. I'm kinda in disbelief at the moment tbh because it's just is very different having to consider these things and experience growth scans and consultant appointments etc. With my first it was all community midwife led and he was born 41+3 at 8lb 11 (via c-section) but after spontaneous labour x
My last was measuring at 92nd centile so was induced a week early, he was born on the 55th centile and the birth was traumatic…